
We are your alternative to online templates. You no longer have to figure it all out, alone. Instead, work directly with an expert in pitch design to take on the challenge together. OH! is an extension of your team.

Getting the pitch deck done is a great milestone, but it's also only the beginning of your journey. You'll have many audiences to pitch to, and you'll get feedback on how to get better along the way. 

OH! is right there with you, to tweak, amend, and improve your deck, with three months of further support after delivery included in your package as standard. We're an extension of your investment round team. You just have to promise to let us know when you hit your target, so we can celebrate with you!


investment round support


Once you are happy with the final pitch deck, we export it and deliver it to you in either interactive digital PDF format - at the correct size for sharing easily via email or adding to funding platforms - or as a Powerpoint file.

If you require your deck to be printed and bound, we can organise this for you. You're now ready to pitch!




Next, we usually move to design, putting together a first full layout of your deck, with colours, copy, and imagery in place. 

After the first full layout, this is a back-and-forth process of design and feedback, until you are happy with the result.

Copywriting & Design

content development


Structure - a clear, logical narrative - is a huge part of what makes or breaks a pitch deck. After receiving your filled out content templates, OH! maps them into 'Wireframes' a kind of skeleton layout, which shows which messages and information should go where, and how you might present it.

Once you've received these, we will through a process of amends and changes, before we move to developing complete content.




OH! works closely with you to develop copy & content.
You will have the best sense of the key information you want to express - but you may need help converting it into the best language. Similarly, you may have a clear picture of the kind of visuals you want, but not the final photos or diagrams.

OH! provides you with a bespoke content template tailored following 'Discovery' sessions - a document in which you can put down all your thoughts and the beginnings of key content, which can then be worked up.

Custom Content Templates



After initial email / phone conversations prior to engagement, we'll have a little insight into you. Once we engage, we flesh this out and delve deeper through  2 x 60 minute consultancy sessions, tailored to you to:

1. Get to know your business
2. Understand your goals & audiences
3. Identify any key missing pieces
4. Gather raw content for the Deck
5. Begin to map out a structure




Each stage of the design process is consultative. We'll talk, find the way together, and put together a powerful pitch that really represents you. Throughout the process, OH! guides you, helping you make decisions about what's really important, and how best to communicate it.

pitch deck design process


Packages & Pricing

OH! offers three packages, that can be tailored to suit almost any business pitch deck or presentation need.